
Cletus McDuff Cletus Bio Song List 2007 Schedule Contact RawkDawg Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos

'Life's worth livin', give it all you got'


We just wanted to thank you for making our wedding night so much fun we really enjoyed it all, if you wouldnt mind to email me all the pics that would be great and again thank you always.

Danielle and Nick Fannin


The wedding kiss

The new bride

Danielle and Nick

To good friends!

Free Fallin'

Nick and Danelle

Hey, that's my new wife!

Cletus and Danielle

Nick and Danielle's wedding party

Shorty Pants

Cletus and friends at Shorty Pants

Cletus and some fans

Gordon and Carla at Shorty Pants

Cletus and Kelly singing 'Hotel California'

Cletus at Shorty Pants

A work of art

Cletus and Kyle singing 'Drift Away'

Cletus and Sean

Cletus and FatLip

Cletus and Eddie's new owner Mark Sinn

Another small fan!

Man is this sweet!

Cletus, Ed, and Nancy at Eddie's

Cletus rawkin' at Eddie's

Estelle Thompson, Public Relations and Photographer

The HillBilly RawDawg FootStomper

Cletus and FatLip