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"Learn form yesterday , Live for today, and Hope for tommorrow."

FatLip, Estelle, and Cletus

Cletus and FatLip

In the moment

Man this is fun

Chicago Brothers Pizza and Pub

Where's Jeff?


Owner Stacy from Chicago Brothers Pub and Bartender Rhonda

Somethin's in my eye

Chicago Brothers

Good times at Chicago Brothers

We love Chicago brothers!

Stone Bridge Villas own 'Wizard of Oz'

Where's Dorothy?

Bryan and Joni of Stone Bridge

He did it!

Stone Bridge family

What a party!

Jeff with a cold one

This sure is tastey

Who's Cletus?

FatLip, Cody West, and Cletus

Cletus and Cody West

Cletus and Fatlip tradin' geetars

Brad at The Poop Deck

Cletus Gettin' down with the Boat paddle geetar

Cletus and Tim Jammin' on Neil Young