Cletus McDuff

Cletus McDuff Cletus Bio Song List 2007 Schedule Contact RawkDawg Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos

'Climbing that mountain to its highest peak'


Check out the new websites, they feature over 15 original songs.......... 

Email me if you want a copy of a picture

'It's all good, Yonger'

   Hey Ya'll,                                                                          01/10/06

               What a year it has been!  Over 93 gigs since May 26, 2006.  I appreciate everyone's support, I could not have done this with out it.  I played so much I had to have my guitar overhauled!

               'Fatlip" and I were involved in the LOTOBS fundraiser contest.  We took third!  We had a great time meeting everyone.  The bands that were involved, sounded  excellent. 

                I'm still plugging along on my CD and hope to have most of it wrapped up by summer.  It also has been a fun project for me.  I am gearing up for the 2007 season and hope to see some familiar faces that I met during the 2006 season. 

                Thanks again,

                Cletus McDuff


Hey all,                                                       October 10, 2006

     What a summer!  I had a blast performing at the various establishments around the lake.  I have met quite a few interesting people who enjoyed listenin’ to Cletus and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. 

     The website is doing great.  We had 98 visitors in August, and 62 visitors in September.  It continues to grow daily.  If there is a picture of you or your group that you would like to have, email me and I will send you a copy of them.

     I want to thank all the clubs, restaurants, and bars that supported me and continue to support me.   Thanks ya’ll.

     I want to thank Estelle and Fatlip for continuing to believe in me.  You are both greatly appreciated.   I also want to thank Dave ‘Bubba’ Watts from South Carolina who has stepped in on saxophone and vocals.  If you haven’t heard him yet check him out, he is an awesome musician.    

     I continue to work on my CD 'HillBilly RawkDawg' and I hope to have it ready for release this spring, 2007.  I will post the date of completion and the date of the CD release party. 

    I hope to see some of the familiar faces this fall and winter and I look forward to performing at all the establishments at the lake.

                           Rock on                                          

                           Cletus McDuff 

Hello all and welcome to my site.                 July 31, 2006

     Wow!  What a fun ride it's been since memorial weekend.  I never thought I would have been received so well.  I apperciate everyone who has taken the time to come out and listen to me and who have joined in the fun.  Thanks for the support.  This has been great creating this solo acoustic act and starting up this website. 

     I want to give a special thanks to Estelle Thompson who has been helping with public relations, the roadie, the photographer, and a good friend.  I also want to thank Doug 'FatLip' Hasch on his skills on flute, harmonica, slide guitar, washboard, and footstomp.  He has done an excellent job and has come up with awesome licks.  It has been a great pleasure playing with him.

     I started this website in July.  Since then there has been over 138 vistors this month!  Thanks for checking it out.  I will keep it active weekly with updates.  So stay tuned. 

     I look forward to continuing playing out and about around The Lake Of The Ozarks and I am currently working on my new CD titled 'HillBilly RawDawg' coming out in the near future.  So keep on visiting the site and come out and see me sometime when you're visiting The Lake Of The Ozarks.

Thanks again everyone,

Cletus McDuff